Meaningful Messages shared with you by David and Karen

Be a Berean, compare what is said to Scripture

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File Name  
File Date  
File Size  
NC6 Newton Quotes.doc
10/17/1725 KB
NC11 Technology Seminar Projector 4.pdf
10/17/1756 KB
NC14 will-your-congregation-still-exist-ten-years-from-now.doc
10/17/1761 KB
NC7 Tech Seminar Fear God.pdf
10/17/17114 KB
NC9 Technology Seminar Projector 2.pdf
10/17/17201 KB
NC13 rev_church_lifecycles.doc
10/17/17224 KB
NC12 Technology Seminar Projector 5.pdf
10/17/17925 KB
NC8 Technology Seminar Projector 1.pdf
10/17/172245 KB
NC10 Technology Seminar Projector 3.pdf
10/17/173610 KB
NC2 Jim Petroski A Biblical View of Technology and It's Effects.mp3
10/17/1718393 KB
NC1 Jim Petroski Technology- What is It and Where is It Going.mp3
10/17/1721752 KB
NC4 Jim Petroski Fear God, Or Fear_.mp3
10/17/1724832 KB
NC3 Jim Petroski The Desire to Create- God's Image in Us.mp3
10/17/1725500 KB
NC5 Jiim Petroski The Heart of the Matter, and the Annabaptist Response.mp3
10/17/1727843 KB

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